Experience All Forms Of Arts In Unique Immersive Events


Discover more about In The Realm of Senses —  a multi-sensory experience that combines music with visual arts, gastronomy, perfumery, literature, theater, and dance.


Saturday May 18, 2024

Creation in Motion:

1010 W. 35th St. Suite 500, Chicago IL

Come join us for an enchanting evening at Salonlb. where we will immerse ourselves in the beauty of Fioritura. This event promises to be a sensory journey like no other, where art and music intertwine to create a mesmerizing experience. Witness the magic of creation in motion as we re-create the music of the Italian Renaissance and Baroque eras paired to live art of amazing visual artists inspired by blooms and flowers.

Hear the rarely performed music of Renaissance composer Carlo Gesualdo of Venice in his hauntingly beautiful motets for five voices paired to sensual visual projections. Experience the famous Vivaldi's Four Seasons in a completely new way with a unique solo violin version of all four seasons paired to incredible live art, all paired to unique scent sculptures, immersive lighting design, and wines from the birthplaces of Vivaldi and Gesualdo!


7 Madrigals by Carlo Gesualdo for five voices
4 Seasons by Antonio Vivaldi arranged for solo violin

Scent sponsor: Wicked Good Perfume
Beverage sponsor: Marz Brewery



Beethoven & the Killer B's

An immersive parody comedy of Beethoven, his life, and music he might have written through live music,  scents,  theater, and AI generated projections.

Realm of Whiskeys

Explore the realm of whiskeys with unique immersive tastings pairing fine spirits with music, colors, and gastronomy.

Fundraiser for Ukraine: Pictures at an exhibition

A special presentation of our flagship sensory experience with a diverse group of Chicago based artists and musicians to support Ukraine!

Beethoven 250 Part II:
Immersive Beethoven & Art

Exerience Beethoven with live art creation and pairings of floral installations, scents, and original music.

Immersive Koval Whiskey Tasting Class

Immersive whiskey class with whiskeys, music, scents,  and exploration of how colors affect our taste.  

Bach to the Future

Immersive concert of 300 years of music from Bach to the Beatles for vioin and cello and original visual projections and three unique designed perfumes.

Beethoven 250 Part I:
Band of Bohemia

Experience Beethoven's violin sonata and string quartet paired to a seven-course meal by Michelin-starred chef.

Ukrainian Institute of Modern Art: "Pictures at an Exhibition”

Enjoy a unique immersive duo version of "Pictures At An Exhibition" and tribute to Ukrainian heritage with visual art, perfumery, and gastronomy.


Visual Art
Olfactory Art


In the Realm of Senses is supported by:


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© 2022 In The Realm Of Senses